Tyler Perry Works Wiki


Background Information[]

Cora was born in Sheridan Hospital to Lz Madea) (Brown) Simmons in the year 1953. She works at the Pandora Hotel as of in Madea's Class Reunion. It is said that Mr. Brown is her father but revealed in Tyler Perry's Madea's Big Happy Family The Movie on Maury that he isn't. Even though the tests said he isn’t, Cora still treats him as her father, because no one else is. She has two daughters named Lisa and Tina who appeared in Tyler Perry's Madea's Family Reunion The Play, but mentioned countless times. When she was young she loved her sibling & cousin like William, Michelle, Brian, Mayle , Anthony Sr., Shirley . They all went to school together. She has three siblings named Michelle and William, both deceased, who were mentioned in Tyler Perry's I Can Do Bad All By Myself The Play, Tyler Perry's Diary of a Mad Black Woman The Play, and Tyler Perry's Diary of a Mad Black Woman .Michelle was a drunk and never paid any attention to her children. William was a wealthy man who took care of his wife and kids. Her daughter Lisa got married to her boyfriend, A.J. and Tina had a daughter named Shemar. She has 5 nieces named Vianne portrayed by Kisha Grandy, Maylee portrayed by Donna Stewart, Helen portrayed by Marva King, Gina, and Jackie portrayed by D' Atra Hicks. She has one sister in law, Myrtle Simmons portrayed by Tamela Mann. She has 5 uncles named Joe and Heathrow portrayed by Tyler Perry, Frederick, Willie, and Pete and an aunt named Irene. 4 cousins named Bam portrayed by Cassi Davis, Shirley portrayed by Chandra Curelley, Sheila portrayed by Cheryl Pepsii Riley, and Sonny portrayed by Christian Keys.



In the play, Cora first appears in I Can Do Bad All by Myself as the middle-aged Aunt of her two nieces, Maylee and Vianne. She gives them Godly wisdom, and attempts to lead them down the right path while avoiding the aggressive methods of her mother. Cora is a devout Christian, no thanks to Madea of course. As it is mentioned in the Meet The Browns play, that Mr. Brown was the one who would take Cora to church when she was a young girl. Cora goes on to appear in other plays as well, revealing she has two adult daughters of her own, Tina (Brown) Simmons and Lisa (Brown) Simmons in Family Reunion who were raped by her late husband, unknowingly to her. She also has a granddaughter by Tina, a baby her daughter neglects to care for at times. She refers to her daughters in Meet the Browns when Brown tries to lecture her on men.

In Madea’s Farewell Play, Cora has two daughters named Lisa & Tina. It is not specified if these are the same daughters from Madea‘s Family Reunion that we’re just revamped into different characters with different backstories, or if they are just 2 more daughters that Cora had that are never mentioned in earlier plays. If the latter is true, this would mean Cora has a total of 4 daughters and 3 grandchildren.

In the plays, Cora is first 50 years old in I Can Do Bad All by Myself and Class Reunion. She is shown to be much older in Family Reunion, having grayish hair, meaning it does not take place chronologically before Meet the Browns in which Cora states she is fifty-two. Her ages in the other plays are not revealed, though, she is still in her fifties in each.

In the film Madea's Big Happy Family, it is confirmed that Mr. Brown is not Cora's father after he was given a paternity test on the show Maury . Before that, She thought for years that Madea’s Ex-Husband , Johnny was her father. However, the plays do not seem to acknowledge this as Mr. Brown is still Cora's father in Tyler Perry's most recent project Madea's Farewell Play (although it was revealed Madea slept with a white man in which she thought could possibly be Cora’s father)

TV Series[]

In the television series, Cora is no longer the middle-aged mother of two kids, but Brown's daughter who seems to have known him quite well throughout their childhood, despite the two just figuring they were related not too long ago. Differences in the series is that her kids are nonexistent, and she has never been on a date until the series when a young man is interested in her. Her age has changed as well,and implied somewhere in her forties. Since Brown is said to be in his mid -ixties and she was born to him and Madea around the same time, she would be in her late forties instead of her fifties. Cora is also more child-like, while in the play she takes more of a motherly and authoritative role, however, this could be because of her overbearing father who is shown to be very overprotective of her. It was also revealed by her cousin Will that once she, Madea, and Joe smoked together.


  • Pop Brown & Big Daddy Fred (Granddads)
  • Keniya Addison Brown& Big Mable Murphy (Grandmothers)
  • Mabel “Madea” Simmons (Mother)
  • Mr. Leroy Brown (Father; Not Actually)
  • Mattie Brown (Stepmother; deceased)
  • William Simmons Sr. (Brother; deceased)
  • Michelle Simmons-Griffin (Sister; deceased)
  • Nikki Grady-Simmons (Foster Sister)
  • Myrtle Jean Miller-Simmons (Sister-In-Law; via William)
  • Mary Murphy (Cousin; via Bam)
  • Victoria Breaux (First Cousin; via Irene)
  • Brian Simmons Sr. (First Cousin; via Joe)
  • Donna (First Cousin; via Joe)
  • Sonny Andrews (First Cousin; via Irene)
  • Shirley Baker-Watkins (First Cousin; via Frederick; deceased)
  • Lisa (Brown) Simmons (Daughter)
  • Tina (Brown) Simmons (Daughter)
  • Darlene Simmons-Samuels (Daughter)
  • Robin Simmons (Daughter)
  • Laura Simmons (Daughter)
  • Ellie Simmons (Daughter)
  • William Simmons Jr. (Nephew; via William)
  • Helen Simmons-McCarter (Niece; via William)
  • LaJasmine Simmons-Peterson (Niece; via William)
  • Jacqueline “Jackie” Simmons (Niece; via William)
  • Gina Simmons (Niece; via William)
  • Vianne Griffin-Mitchell (Niece; via Michelle)
  • Maylene “Maylee” Griffin (Niece; via Michelle)
  • Keisha Griffin (Grand Niece; via Maylee)
  • Lilly griffin ( grand niece; via Maylee)
  • Shemar (Granddaughter; via Tina)
  • Brian “BJ” Simmons Jr. (Nephew; via Brian)
  • Vanessa Breaux-Henderson (Niece; via Victoria)
  • Lisa Breaux (Niece; via Victoria)
  • Tammy Watkins (Niece; via Shirley)
  • Joyce Ann Watkins (Niece; via Shirley)
  • Kimberly Watkins (Niece; via Shirley)
  • Byron Watkins Sr. (Nephew; via Shirley)
  • Donnie Watkins (Nephew; via Shirley)
  • Byron Watkins Jr (GrandNephew; via Byron)
  • Lacey (Niece; via Eileen)
  • Mike (Nephew; via Vickie)
  • Anthony “AJ” Thompson (Nephew; via Vianne)
  • Sylvia Thompson (Niece; via Vianne)
  • Jessie Thompson (Nephew; via Vianne)
  • Tiffany Simmons (Niece; via Brian)
  • Tiffany “TiTi” Samuels (Granddaughter; via Darlene)
  • Malik Samuels (Grandson; via Darlene)
  • Timothy Simmons (Grandson; via Laura)
  • Eileen (First Cousin; via Heathrow)
  • Vianne Simmons-Thompson (First Cousin; via Heathrow)
  • Victoria “Vickie” Lewis (Cousin)
  • Shelia (Cousin)
  • Linda (Cousin; via Hattie)
  • Danny (Nephew; via Linda)
  • William & Sasha Brown (Cousin)
  • Joe (Uncle)
  • Frederick (Uncle; deceased)
  • Heathrow (Uncle)
  • Irene (Aunt; deceased)
  • Betty Ann “BAM” Murphy (Aunt)
  • Hattie Mae Love (Aunt)
  • Vera Brown (Aunt)
  • Larry “LB” Brown(Uncle)
  • Sarah Brown (Aunt)
  • Milay Brown (First Cousin; via LB)
  • Brenda Brown-Belton (Aunt)
  • Michael Brown (First Cousin; via Brenda)
  • Tosha Brown (First Cousin; via Brenda)
  • Lena Brown (First Cousin; via Brenda)


1999, I Can Do Bad All By Myself (Play)

2002, Madea's Family Reunion (Play)

2003, Madea's Class Reunion

2005, (cameo) Diary of a Mad Black Woman (Movie)

2005, Meet the Browns (Play)

2006, (recurring) Tyler Perry's House of Payne

2007, What's Done in the Dark

2008, Meet the Browns (Movie)

2009, Madea Goes to Jail (Movie)

2009-2011, Meet the Browns (T.V. Show)

2011, Madea's Big Happy Family (Movie)

2020, Madea's Farewell Tour

2022, A Madea Homecoming

